Events, parties, conferences, functions, & meetings at Trapholt
Besides being an amazing museum, Trapholt is a house of opportunities; the locale, the park, the gastronomy, and not least the stunning interior provides the perfect setting for fantastic functions. Let us together create a menu and itinerary, that will match your specific needs and wishes.
Private functions
During our opening hours
Let the magic of Trapholt become a part of the festivities. Enjoy an unforgettable experience at one of Denmark's foremost cultural institutions. Have an after-dinner breather; explore the exciting exhibitions, renew your energy in the park, or lean back on the balcony, and enjoy the buzz of the museum, whilst taking in the gorgeous view.
After hours
Outside of normal business hours, we are able to open our doors, exclusively for your special occasion. We can provide a wide variety of creative ways to utilise the museum’s facilities, or simply throw a grand party in the café.
In any case, we can guarantee great surroundings, and brilliant gastronomy.
Trapholt business
Summer party
Christmas party
Business talk / Lecture
Your party
After hours the museum can provide the setting for amazing parties.
Whether it's the grand gourmet dinner with a view of the fjord, or food cooked over open flames with fun and games in the park. If you have the guests, then we have the framework.
We can seat 150 diners, and our large bar ensures room for almost anything. There is also an opportunity to gather in our conference hall for drinks, a casino setting, awards shows, speeches or perhaps a small artistic feature. In any case, we will plan accordingly, to guarantee a function tailormade for your needs.
After hours the museum can provide the setting for amazing parties.
Whether it's the grand gourmet dinner with a view of the fjord, or food cooked over open flames with fun and games in the park. If you have the guests, then we have the framework.
We can seat 150 diners, and our large bar ensures room for almost anything. There is also an opportunity to gather in our conference hall for drinks, a casino setting, awards shows, speeches or perhaps a small artistic feature. In any case, we will plan accordingly, to guarantee a function tailormade to your needs.
Meetings and conferences
If you, and your company, are looking for intriguing, engaging, and unique surroundings for your next meeting or conference, Trapholt is the perfect setting.
At Trapholt you will have a front-row experience of world-renowned art and design, and our Café "Gustav Lind” can offer a seasonal and healthy indulgence to your, otherwise, busy corporate itinerary.
Frokost konfirmation
Udover fantastisk mad og drikke, giver det jer muligheden for at nyde en af Koldings perler.
Prisen er inkl. entre til museet som giver mulighed for et lille break eller måske bare lidt frisk luft i parken.
Selve festen afholdes på balkonen over caféen, hvor der er fuld udsigt og privat liv.
Velkomst bobler
3 retters konfirmationsmenu
Ad libitum øl, vand og vin i 5 timer.
Kaffe og sødt
Sluttidspunktet er som udgangspunkt med museet klokken 17.00
Der er mulighed for at forlænge, hvis der ikke er aften arrangementer i caféen.
Pris inkl. entre
0-2 år 100,-
2-10 år 400,-
10-15 år 600,-
16-99 år 800,-
Aften konfirmation
Nyd forårssolen over fjorden og et af koldings smukkeste steder helt for jer selv.
Ankomst 17.30 til et lille glas
3 retters konfirmationsmenu
Kaffe og sødt
Ad libitum øl, vand og vin til 23.00
0-2 år 100,-
2-10 år 450,-
10-15 år 750,-
16-99 år 1000,-
Menu forslag 2024
3 retters konfirmationsmenu
2024 forslag
Carpaccio af ungkvæg med røgede mandler, persille pesto og sprød salat
Bagt laks med ærter, hytteost og lime
Confiteret og glaceret frilandsgris med beder, knust kartoffel med brunet smør, sylt og flødesovs.
Farseret unghane med grillet hjertesalat, mormor dressing, persillerods pure og blomkål.
På siden serveres hønsesky med citrus og couscous salat med feta og soltørret tomat.
Karens chokolade mousse med pocheret pære og vanilje is
Bananparfait på nøddebund med fromage og karamel sauce